"Ozagawari" is biggest ceremonies of Tsukuba-san shrine (Tsukuba city, Ibaraki pref. Japan). The ceremony is held twice a year, 1st of April and 1st of November. This ceremony is famous for its portable shrine parade which climing up and down between the main shrine building and two small shrine buildings on the summit of Mt. Tsukuba. This custom is thought as a symbol of exchanging gods' (parents and their children) living location. It is believed that parents offer comfortable places for children, cool summits in summer and warm hilside in winter.
The process of the ceremony is as follows:
Photos and sounds are taken on 11th of November, 1997, after twleve o'clock because the author arrived at there at that time.
A small parade of a smaller portable shrine going down to the temporal shrine building.
The temporal shrine building is built on the old main street of Tuskuba-san shrine.
The first tori (sacred shintoism gate) is seen.
A bigger portable shrine in a parade.
the parade takes many rests because the road is steep.
The 100 people parade for the portable shrines. The order of the parade is,
The parade passes a sacred bridge.
This bridge is open only twice a year when the ceremony is held.
We can also pass the bridge after the parade.
The portable shrines are pushed up into the main shrine building.
Its the finale of the ceremony.