[Hitachi Furyu-mono]

"Hitachi Furyu-mono" Great Float

Japanese version is available.

"Hitachi Furyu-mono" is a great float with 15 meters hight and 5 tons weight. There five stages on the float and mechanical marionettes are performed by over 40 operators. Originaly it is a performance for a festival of Kamine shrine (Hitachi ciry, Ibaraki pref. Japan). In theses days, we can see the demonstration of the float as an event of Hitachi Sakura Matsuri cherry flower festival in April (around second Saturday to Sunday).

[Folded Stages] For stability of the float, the five stages can be folded up during moving. There is a hidden orchestra box in the float and Hayashi music "Watari"(u-law, 170KB, 20sec.) is played.

[Opening stages] The stages are now opening.

[Front stages] The play title of 1997's performance was "Chushingura," which is a famous Kabuki title. Famous scenes are demonstrated by the marionettes.

[Back stage] The back of the float is made like a rocky mountains and there is also one stage.

[Sasara of Suwa shrine] In Hitachi Sakura Matsuri, other several traditional entertainments are shown. The photo is Sasara, a lion's dance of Suwa shrine.
Sound(u-law8, 170KB, 20sec).

[Samurai's parade] Another demonstration. The photo is a famous Souma-Nomaoi Samurai and horse's parade came from Fukushima pref..

Schedule of HItachi Sakura Matsuri cherry flower festival of 1997.
  12th April (Sat)
     19:00-21:00 : Parade of portable shrine.
     13:35-, 15:35-, 18:30-, 20:00- : Demonstration of Hitachi Furyu-mono.
     13:00-, 15:00- : Sasara lion's dance of Suwa shrine.
     14:20-, 17:30- : Souma-Nomaoi Samurai and horse's parade.
     Other events are held after 12:00.
  13th April (Sun)
     13:30-, 15:00- : Demonstration of HItachi Furyu-mono.
     Other events are held after 12:00.

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