- Location:
Chuo-kominkan public hall, Akeno town., Ibaraki pref., JAPAN.
- Photo:
Stage of Takigi-No in 1998 (taking photo of the play itself was forbbiden).
- Explanation:
(open air No play under torches)
- Events schedule:
- 2nd Saturday of April, 17:00-19:00 : Akeno Takigi-No
- Over 2000 people come to watch the traditional play.
- We can also enjoy cherry blossomes in this season.
- Primary school pupils of Akeno town also play some roles of No (song in u-law format.) .
- Recent history/plan:
- 11th Apr. 1998 (Sat) :
- "Kagura", "Nariagari", "Arashiyama"
- 12th Apr. 1997 (Sat) :
- "Sakuragawa", "Kusabira", "Kurama-tengu"
- Category