Anniversary feast of Ishioka Souja shrine is one of biggest festival in Ibaraki pref. and it has several typical charactors of festivals in Ibaraki, in musics, floats and so on.
In spite of rainy weather on 14th of September, we have many tourists in the center og Ishioka city. The festival takes 3days, the first day is the day for the god of the shrine to visit the center of the city, the next day for treating the god, and the last day for the god's returning to his home, the shrine. The god moves by "mikoshi," sacred palanquins with long train of priests and floats of religional lions. Almost whole day, decorated floats run around playing traditional musics "Ohayashi".
The data, especialy sound data, are big. Each image data is about 30 kbytes and sound data over 160 kbytes which contains 20 seconds of u-raw sound.
You can also find a detailed guidance to enjoy the feast of Ishioka at "FLOATS OF TSUCHIURA AND ISHIOKA.
These sounds were taken from an invited demonstration in festival of Sawara.